What is 3C
What is 3C?
The 3Cs
The curriculum exposes the students towards making choices within situations that they face on a day to day basis. The suggested activities within the curriculum enable learners to-
• empathize with the weak and show concern all round
• develop sensitivity within relationships
• understand why and why not while reasoning
• make informed choices
• avoid pitfalls due to jealousy, selfishness, etc
• develop a well-rounded personality in preparation for real life
• to question ideas and beliefs
Educational games and integrated learning within agreed rules, train children to control their behavior and encourage the development of qualities such as patience purposefulness, observation, reasoning and logic.
Under the school’s guidance the children learn to be independent, patient and decisive where the children are taught to reach their goals by dividing difficult tasks into several smaller steps.
The curriculum transaction include opportunities for students to develop their competency skills by creating student centered learning environment. Students learn to take on responsibilities through opportunities to explore the society – by holding field trips, journaling, preparing group and independent projects and dramas. Integrated sports and physical education enables the children to self-regulate their emotions and de-stress. Students acquire the skills to learn about personal rights, honoring their own perceptions and increasing positive self-talk, goal setting and responsibilities. 6 key competency profiles have been identified and students are guided to develop these profiles as they steadily move from dependency to independent decision making and taking initiative.
Knowledge gained without implementation has no standing. Hence the content in the 3C Curriculum not only provides what is to be taught but also specifies guidelines on how it is to be taught. The content is aligned with the CBSE scheme of study along with some additions incorporating International Education. The rich inquiry based curriculum is a significant and relevant subject matter acquired for the real life skills and taught through the following subjects, Languages, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Social Science, Visual Arts, Music and Drama, Environmental Education & Physical, Social and Personal Education.
3C curriculum is an integrated study of the above mentioned subjects where the child participates in real life experiences. The focus is on application of knowledge through inquiry, experimentation, research and discovery. In this process they become knowledgeable and understand the significance of the gained knowledge.